Salt-Free Alternative… | One Water Systems | Whole House Water Filtration & Water Softening Systems

Salt-Free Alternative…

Salt-Free Alternative…

When comparing the benefits of using a salt-free water softener alternative to traditional salt-based water softening, there are many advantages to using a salt-free water softener alternative. The most important advantage is the lack of sodium or potassium in the drinking and cooking water. Other advantages for using a salt-free water softener include no maintenance, no electricity, no salt, leaves in the beneficial minerals to name a few. Traditional water softeners are banned in several states due to the brine discharge into the ground water. The municipalities can not keep up with the amounts of sodium that are released into the untreated water. Today’s mentality is changing and this is why many people have changed the way they are doing things that they have been doing the same way for many years. The earth is becoming over populated and over polluted, change has become eminent. Green technology is taking over in the minds of many and forcing companies to adapt and change their ways.

Some water softener alternatives offer chemical-free (salt-free) solutions that are more effective and make the treated water safer on human consumption, plants, and animals. Chemical (salt) based water softeners must be regenerated regularly by adding more salt to the water and back-flushing with fresh water, which can be costly, corrosive to pipes, inconvenient, harmful to the environment, and wasteful of a precious resource.