Skin Absorbs | Filtration and Protection in San Diego

Skin Absorption

Home » Health Benefits » Skin Absorption
Average Skin Absorption vs. Oral Ingestion
 Skin Absorption Exposure Time Oral Ingestion Daily Water Consumption 
Adult Bath63%15 min27%2 liters
Infant Bath40%15 min60%1 liters
Child Swim88%1 hr12%1 liters
Total Avg64%36%
whole home water filter

 The above information is an excerpt from Healthy Water for a Longer Life written by Martin Fox, Ph D.

Chlorine Exposure Assessmentwhole home water filter

As you can see, the rates of skin absorption are tremendous.At One Water we believe one should have a whole house filtration system installed to prevent chlorine absorption from bathing water.Yet, one of the problems is to properly evaluate the effectiveness of these units.In the past, different types of whole house filtration systems have been successfully used to remove a variety of minerals from the water such as iron, etc. However, our recommendation for installing a system is for chlorine removal, not mineral removal.